Do Not Underestimate Your Capacity to Create a Better World–Now is Your Time
Wisdom from Paula Prober, plus a bag of Cheetos
Feeling overwhelmed? Frustrated with humanity or yourself? Ready to hide under a blanket with a bag of Cheetos?
When someone reads your mind, then says what you are thinking and they say it better, go ahead and hand them the microphone. Your subscribers and friends will thank you.
Paula Prober, originator of Your Rainforest Mind—Support for the Excessively Curious, Creative, Smart, and Sensitive, delivered soothing words and a reminder of the intense responsibility we are feeling. Gifted adults share that intense feeling with professionals and skilled communicators—call it justice, call it empathy; still, we know that it sometimes ends up in a state of “compassion fatigue” for you.
Pastors experienced compassion fatigue during the pandemic when they had to pray for more, officiate at too many funerals, and hold up everyone leaning on them for any kind of relief possible. Doctors and nurses burned out with compassion fatigue. If you’ve been on the front lines of the campaign for the next President, you know how exhausting it’s been to listen instead of talk, help others see reality, and hold tight to love instead of hate.
Here’s the article. Read it twice and slowly to get the full message that says finding yourself seems exhausting and some days you wonder if you are worth finding. Do Not Underestimate Your Capacity to Create a Better World–Now is Your Time.
You just need a little reminder that, one, you have the power and, two, your particular personhood is what is needed and, three, you being you is what will improve life on Planet Earth.
On my morning walk, neighbors walking dogs with me agreed they have campaign fatigue, they voted early, and they did all they could to make sure everyone in their community and support systems would vote for the candidate that is compassionate, honest, intelligent, empathetic, and seeking justice.
What I found amazing and worth a Paula Prober mic drop is everyone I spoke with prefers Cheetos. It must be another one of those gifted and professional traits. Cheetos—who knew!
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Do you feel like you're on the edge of something amazing, but you just can't figure out what it is? That's where I come in. My name is Georgia Patrick. I work with curious, intense, understanding professionals—real and retired, to tap into their full potential and get extremely clear on their gift (their value) to individuals actively seeking such wisdom. It starts with an email. Maybe, later, a short call to make sure you are understood.
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So glad you shared Paula's article. A vital call to action with this election looming, along with additional support for the highly sensitive as we go through this difficult time as a Nation.