Four years ago this month, before the global pandemic and during a more innocent time when we were giving ourselves permission to adjust how we communicate with others, Paula Prober wrote Guidance for Gifted Adults in a Not Gifted World, one of her masterpiece articles for Thrive Global.
Let’s say that you understand you are gifted.
Let’s say you might be sure that you are not but you love someone you suspect is gifted, such as spouse, sibling, child, soul mate, or best friend. The guidance and intensely practical suggestions that Paula offered in this article are worth printing out, putting it in your journal, or simply putting it where you will see it every week or so.
Do you think deeply, analyze everything, love learning, and seek justice?
Do you love this about yourself or see it in others?
We, the founders of the Gifted Professionals and Communicators movement, have been field-testing the suggestions in the Paula Prober article for many months and confirm, this works!
Four years later, there is no new normal.
Everything has changed and the reverse gear no longer works in this vehicle forward called life, careers, family, and relationships. We have applied the suggestions by Paula in the New Now and it keeps us grounded in reality which needs our giftedness.
This article and our community are for you if you want to…understand how to communicate with other humans. How to manage in your workplace. Where to find friends. How to find a suitable partner. How to be authentic. How to live at 95 mph when everyone around you is running at 35 mph.
I love the mention of journaling in Paula Prober's article. The past two years I've come back to journaling in a way I never could before.
That's smarter than anyone tells us, Russell. Recently I rounded up all journals and put them in the library. They filled a shelf. They seem to grow and change each year as journaling becomes more intentional, more inventive.