Would you agree that most of your email is tedious? Do you recall ever getting an email that was so stunning with visuals, immersive with audio, and kept your attention for a long time with a multisensory ode to your environment?
When, if ever, did you get an email that helped you step back and quickly grab onto the context of your whole day, then within a few moments, it gave you the really, really big picture of long before humans and long after humans.
Once you see this, you’ll never forget What’s at Stake as Forests Migrate?
We think about forests —a lot, and particularly rainforests, ever since starting our search for adults and professionals, with giftedness innate qualities. We found Your Rainforest Mind by Paula Prober and that clicked with everyone still not sure whether we were ready to claim our identity as gifted.
Paula writes, “If you think of people as ecosystems, you can see some as meadows, others as deserts, some as mountains—and some as rainforests. Rainforests are particularly complex: multi-layered, highly sensitive, colorful, intense, creative, fragile, overwhelming, and misunderstood, while thinking with possibility and pulsing with life, death, and transformation. It’s not a better ecosystem. It is more complicated.”
She continues, “The Rainforest mind covers more than thinking, cognition, or the brain. It includes heart, soul, body, and spirit.
“It’s a jungle of thoughts, emotions, sensitivities, questions, dreams, worries, obsessions, intuitions, joys, disillusionments, fears, insights, curiosities, rages, expectations, ideals, high standards, failures, and successes.”
Immediate Benefits
Here are three immediate benefits I got from the email immersion experience from Emergence Magazine, with the writing, videos, and narrative, plus learning that forests migrate—and how:
Instant relief from the voices constantly going through my mind and a peaceful silence as I saw all of us are part of greater biology and connected to the seasons.
Release from overthinking by seeing I was exactly where I was meant to be for development, growth, and the rest of my life.
Greater trust in the path I am choosing and assurance I am in the space where I can live in the courage to love and let go of fears or doubts. This is the evolutionary, intentional path that is always the call of the rainforest mind.
Your turn. Treat yourself to this break from your own “too muchness” and look at What’s at Stake as Forests Migrate? Then go to comments and tell me if you’ll ever think of email the same way.