Love this article - so rich in wisdom! One of major obstacles to moving from thinking to doing is fear -- fear of not being good enough, of making a mistake, of offending someone...

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In our lifetime, Barbara, we see science coming in to validate what has worked in theory. The brain science is stunning. Our brains are about the same as original (6 million years) but our world evolved faster than the brain. Our default setting is still fear. It was put there for survival. We don't need that default setting but it still functions with a lot of "negative" messages. Thus, the mental illnesses. Music and nature is an immediate, affordable way to reprogram the brain from "I can't" to "maybe that fear isn't true" and that's why I wrote the article. If you can combine the two, such as piano music on the beach, you've got all you need to tell your brain, "the wooly mammoth is no longer coming to hurt you."

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Insightful information. Yes to deliberate practice, as well as deliberate action. Many of my ideas come from morning walks.

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Thank you, Russell. My intention is to provide wisdom and practical action items you may have thought about already but did not step into the action until I showed up to offer a hand. Sometimes having someone near and just one pace ahead of you gives you confidence the next step will be in the right direction.

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Would love to hear your thoughts on "deliberate practice." (And it sounds like you may have a few ;-))

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